Our girls
The Girls
Chadwick Finders Keepers
AKC GCH and CKCSC-USA CH Pascavale Haiden x CH Chadwick Say Yes to the Dress
Keeper came to us in 2023, bred by and co-owned with Ms. C. Anne Eckersley of Chadwick Cavaliers. Young Keeper is already in the show ring, and doing great! She’s a fun little girl (okay - she’s a little wild hooligan puppy!) and we are happy to have her bringing joy to our household every day! Watch out, world!
Aboscobel Stay Within Cooee
BISS GCHS and CKCSC-USA CH Foxwyn Cool Water X Kabob Ov Coarse
Kirra joined us from Helen Norton’s home. Her father is our own GCH Foxwyn Cool Water, and mother was especially imported from far-away Australia by Helen. “Matilda’ ‘s pedigree goes back to the famous old English Homerbrent lines. We will be starting the health testing process in 2024, as she turns 2 years old in February. We will update her photo soon, as she is super cute, and looks a lot like her father.
Nemesis Fidwor Z Cisarskeho Mlyna
Int CH L'Or Perle Du Sahel x Valenzia Karin Z Usedlosti Ujezdec
CHIC # 156607
Marcy came to us from the Czech Republic, from renowned Whole-Color Cavalier breeder Alexandra Špačková Bedoui. Alexandra’s daughter hand-carried Marcy on the plane, with a stop off at Dulles Airport, on the way to LA. Marcy is a beautiful and sweet girl, who’s father is “Orin”, a gorgeous glamorous Champion ruby boy bred by Alexandra. Both Marcy’s parents were much older than 5 and heart clear at the time of Marcy’s birth. She has a bubbly, sweet and cuddly temperament.
Marcy is now over age 5 and heart clear.
Retired Girls
CH Foxwyn Mayflower
BISS AKC & CKCSC-USA CH You're My Sunshine Vom Kaninchengarten x CH Foxwyn Tell Me a Story
CHIC #145206
May is a gorgeous girl, super sweet temperament. She quickly became a champion, and has had some children. She is now retired from the show life, and loving her retirement with her new mom, Sandra, right here in Virginia.
GCH Foxwyn Once Upon a Time
CH Aranel Renaissance, ROM x Foxwyn Bell Bottom Blues
CHIC #105607
Page is a most wonderful girl. She is currently 9 and heart clear. She is retired from showing and breeding.
Capall Crown Consort at Foxwyn
CH Darane Smooth Criminal at Nightingale x Luddington’s Sweet Annie
CHIC #133418
Julie came to us from Patty Evans Nuth, in Maryland. Her father is one of Kathy Kates’ champion boys, and mother is Patty’s girl, Annie. We love our Jules, and it was a wonderful day when we added her to our pack.
Foxwyn In the Ribbons
CH Aranel Revelation x GCH Foxwyn Once Upon a Time
CHIC # 145204
Bubbles is such a beautiful, sweet and gentle girl. She is sister to Atlee and Charm, part of that incredible litter. Bubbles is also the mother to young Byron, who is tearing it up in the show ring right now. Bubbles is 5 and heart clear like her brother, Atlee.
Foxwyn Celebration Dance
CH Aranel Revelation x CH Truluv Giselle at Foxwyn
CHIC # 111056
Dance is the daughter of our beloved old girl Gigi. She is currently 10 and heart clear. She has a mild and happy temperament and is a true love bug.
BlueGarden Waltzing Matilda at Foxwyn
Australian CH Cabrook Cobettes Cockney Rebel x Vita
CHIC #133263
Tilly was bred in New York by my good friend and co-owner, Allison Matos, of Bluegarden Cavaliers. She is the daughter of a very famous Australian boy named Morse. Tilly is now 6 and heart clear. She is an amazing girl, and we love her a lot.
Living elsewhere
GCH BISS Foxwyn A Likely Story at Chardamont
CH Aranel Renaissance, ROM x Foxwyn Bell Bottom Blues
CHIC # 106075
Tory was a certainly handful as a youngster, but that fire in her belly sure won her a lot of big shows. She still loves to show, and you can watch for her in Veterans classes in the near future. Tory is now loved and owned by Barb Comer and Liz Greak, Chardamont Cavaliers, in Connecticut.
CH Foxwyn Charmed I’m Sure
CH Aranel Revelation x GCH Foxwyn Once Upon a Time
Charm finished her championship quickly with Helen Norton, co-owner. Such a wonderful temperament on this girl. She now lives the life of luxury on a pretty farm in Virginia.
They didn’t want to leave us…
Chadwick First Impressions
CHIC # 43512
2005 - 2017
Our foundation girl, Molly was as sweet as they come. A quiet girl, super loving, and everything you could ever want in a Cavalier. Molly had a very nice show career, and then once she passed her health testing, she became a mother. Whisper and Bella are Molly’s children. While Whisper never had any puppies, Bella went on to produce some of our finest dogs. Molly had a great life, until her very last day. We miss her every day, and see her in the faces and characters of her great grandchildren. She has left us with a wonderful legacy. We are forever grateful to Anne Eckersley Robins for co-owning her with us, and for mentoring us, to this day.
Foxwyn Bell Bottom Blues
JOHNASTA ANTON DU BEKE x Chadwick First Impressions
CHIC #95857
Bella was simply amazing. She was such a character. Of the babies that she brought into this world, a roughly a third of them went on to become champions: Roman, English, Page, Tory, Cain, and Dasher. She really deserves an ROM in the AKC. She was recognized as Brood Bitch of the Year in 2015 for the CKCSC-USA. We miss this girl every day, and we see her in the eyes of many of her grandchildren.
CH Foxwyn Tell Me A Story
CH Aranel Renaissance, ROM x Foxwyn Bell Bottom Blues
CHIC # 111344
With an AKC championship accomplished in 4 majors, and one club major under her belt, Lishy is one of the most beautiful girls we have ever bred. She was a true character, and we love her lots. Lishy passed away recently in 2022. She was on heart meds for MVD, but she ultimately had a kidney infection. We will miss this little character. What a wonderful and amazing girl.
Foxwyn Take It Easy
CHIC# 75292
CH Chadwick Rhumba x Chadwick First Impressions
Old Whisper was our beloved senior. She was the pack leader, both stable and wise. We loved this silly old coot immensely. She passed in 2023, at age 15.5, not of heart related causes.
AKC CH Truluv Giselle at Foxwyn
AKC & CKCSC-USA CH Jayba Pucker Up JW x Truluv Pavlova
CHIC # 96011
Gigi was my heart and soul dog. She picked me as a baby, and she never let go of me. She is the mother to Dance, and Wadsworth, and Grandmother to Tango. Gigi passed at age 13.5, not of heart related issues.